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Pixel Annotation Output Documentation

The Pixel Annotation Output is dedicated to providing various pixel-level annotations of the sensor image. This encompasses a range of annotations from semantic segmentation to the volume of objects.

Inter Class Segmentation

In Syclops it is possible to have multiple class labels for a single object. This means, that a plant can have the segmentation labels stem and leaf at the same time. Inter Class Segmentation

It has to be configured in the scene description for the object that should have multiple labels. The following example shows how to configure it:

Configure Inter Class Segmentation
    - name: "Corn Scatter"
      class_id: 2 # (1)!
        Stem: 1 # (2)!
  1. Base class label for the object.
  2. Offset for the material Stem.

This will result in the scattered corn objects to have the class label 2 for the whole object and the class label 3 for the part of the object that has the material Stem assigned.

Configuration Parameters

The following table describes each configuration parameter for the Pixel Annotation Output:

Parameter Type Description Requirement
semantic_segmentation object Represents the semantic segmentation output where pixels are mapped with the class id value of the object. Optional
id string Unique identifier of the output. Required for this annotation type
instance_segmentation object Produces an instance segmentation output, tagging each object with a unique id in the image. Optional
id string Unique identifier of the output. Required for this annotation type
pointcloud object Offers 3D coordinates of every pixel in the camera coordinates in meters. Optional
id string Unique identifier of the output. Required for this annotation type
depth object Displays the Z Depth of a pixel relative to the camera in meters. Optional
id string Unique identifier of the output. Required for this annotation type
object_volume object Shows the volume of objects in cm^3. Optional
id string Unique identifier of the output. Required for this annotation type
debug_breakpoint boolean Decides if the rendering process should pause and open Blender before proceeding. Only functions with scene debugging active. Optional


Ensure that each annotation type, if used, contains a unique id. The id is imperative for differentiating between various annotations.

Example Configuration

  - semantic_segmentation:
      id: "seg1"
      class_id_offset: true
  - instance_segmentation:
      id: "inst1"
  - pointcloud:
      id: "pc1"
  - depth:
      id: "depth1"
  - debug_breakpoint: true

In the provided configuration, a variety of pixel annotations are set up, each with their unique identifiers. Additionally, if the scene debugging is active, the scene will break and open in Blender before rendering.

Metadata Output

Along with the output files, a metadata.yaml file is generated in the output folder. This file contains metadata about the keypoint output, including the output type, format, description, expected steps, sensor name, and output ID.