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Object Positions Output Documentation

The Object Positions Output provides information about the global position, rotation and scale of all objects within the scene. Each object's details are cataloged with their respective class IDs, their xyz coordinates (in meters) xyz euler angles (in radians) and xyz scale. This information is presented in a JSON format. The structure is the following:

    "<class_id>": [
        "loc": [x, y, z], // location in meters
        "rot": [x, y, z], // euler in radians
        "scl": [x, y, z]  // scale

Configuration Parameters

The following table describes each configuration parameter for the Object Positions Output:

Parameter Type Description Requirement
id string Unique identifier of the output. Required
debug_breakpoint boolean Specifies whether to pause and open Blender before rendering. This functionality is available only when scene debugging is active. Optional


For each Object Positions Output configuration, an id is mandatory. Ensure the uniqueness of this identifier across different outputs.

Example Configuration

  - id: "obj_pos_1"
    debug_breakpoint: true

In the example configuration, the global positions of objects within the scene will be captured with the identifier obj_pos_1. Additionally, if the scene debugging is active, the scene will break and open in Blender before rendering.

Metadata Output

Along with the output files, a metadata.yaml file is generated in the output folder. This file contains metadata about the keypoint output, including the output type, format, description, expected steps, sensor name, and output ID.