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Environment Plugin Documentation

The Environment Plugin is designed to set the ambiance of the scene. It establishes the lighting and background elements. By randomly changing the environment, the colors drastically shift and adds variety to the generated data.

Configuration Parameters

The following table describes each configuration parameter for the Environment Plugin:

Parameter Type Description Requirement
type string (enum: hdri, hdri_and_sun) Determines the type of environment setup. Choose from solely HDRI or a combination of HDRI with sun. Required
environment_image string (dynamic evaluator capable) The HDRI image used as the environment map, serving as both the background and the illumination source. Required
sun_elevation number (dynamic evaluator capable) The elevation angle of the sun, defined in radians. Required if type is hdri_and_sun
sun_rotation number (dynamic evaluator capable) The sun's rotation angle, measured in radians. Required if type is hdri_and_sun
random_rotation boolean Randomly rotates the environment map every frame. Optional (default: true)


When you choose hdri_and_sun for the type, you must also provide values for sun_elevation and sun_rotation.

Dynamic Evaluators

Parameters like environment_image, sun_elevation, and sun_rotation can be set to change dynamically in every frame. This is handy for simulating the motion of the environment or sun over time. To understand how to apply dynamic evaluators to these parameters, please refer to Dynamic Evaluators.

Example Configuration

Here's a sample configuration for the Environment Plugin:

    - type: hdri
      environment_image: Example Assets/Sunflower Field

In the above setup, the scene will have a sunflower field HDRI backdrop.