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Camera Plugin Documentation

The Camera Plugin simulates a basic camera sensor, allowing you to configure the optical and digital properties of the camera within your scene. It supports various parameters such as resolution, lens types (perspective and fisheye), exposure, depth of field, motion blur, and frustum visualization for debugging purposes. Additionally, it outputs the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters.

Configuration Parameters

The following table describes each configuration parameter for the Camera Plugin:

Parameter Type Description Requirement
name string Unique identifier of the sensor. Required
frame_id string Transformation tree node the camera attaches to. Required
resolution array (2 integers: width x height) Width and height of the camera in pixels. Required
lens_type string Type of lens projection (PERSPECTIVE [default], FISHEYE_EQUISOLID, FISHEYE_EQUIDISTANT). Optional
focal_length float Focal length of the camera in mm. Required for PERSPECTIVE and FISHEYE_EQUISOLID. Conditional
fisheye_fov float Horizontal angular field of view in radians. Required for FISHEYE_EQUIDISTANT and FISHEYE_EQUISOLID. Conditional
sensor_width float Width of the sensor in mm. Required
exposure float Exposure offset in stops. Optional
gamma float Gamma correction applied to the image (1 means no change in gamma). Optional
shutter_speed float Shutter speed in seconds. Affects the strength of motion blur. If motion_blur is enabled, this becomes required. Conditional
depth_of_field object (contains aperture, autofocus, focus_distance) Settings for the depth of field of the camera. Optional
motion_blur object (contains enabled, rolling_shutter) Settings for the motion blur of the camera. Optional
frustum object (contains settings for frustum visualization) Settings for the camera frustum visualization (for debugging purposes). Optional
outputs object Output configuration, which can include RGB, Pixel Annotation, and Object Positions. Required

Depth of Field

Sub-parameter Type Description
aperture number f-number of the aperture.
autofocus boolean Whether the camera should focus on the object in the center of the image.
focus_distance number Fixed focus distance of the camera in m.

Motion Blur

Sub-parameter Type Description
enabled boolean Whether motion blur is enabled.
rolling_shutter object Contains parameters for the rolling shutter effect.

Rolling Shutter

Sub-parameter Type Description
enabled boolean Whether rolling shutter is enabled.
duration number Exposure time of the scanline in seconds.

Frustum Visualization

Sub-parameter Type Description
enabled boolean Whether to enable frustum visualization.
type string Type of frustum visualization (e.g., "pyramid").
depth number Depth of the frustum in meters.
color array RGB color of the frustum as a list of 3 floats.
transparency number Transparency value between 0-1.
wireframe object Settings for wireframe rendering mode.
hide_render boolean Whether to hide the frustum in the final rendered images.

Wireframe Settings

Sub-parameter Type Description
enabled boolean Whether to render as wireframe lines.
thickness number Thickness of the wireframe lines.

Lens Types and Parameters

The camera supports three types of lens projections:

  1. PERSPECTIVE (default)
  2. Requires focal_length
  3. Standard perspective projection


  5. Requires both focal_length and fisheye_fov
  6. Follows the equisolid angle projection formula
  7. Commonly used in real fisheye lenses


  9. Requires fisheye_fov
  10. Linear mapping between angle and image distance
  11. Theoretical fisheye projection


When using fisheye lens types, the frustum visualization is not supported and will be disabled automatically. Camera extrinsic parameters are not output when using fisheye lens types as they are not supported.


If motion_blur is enabled, shutter_speed becomes a required parameter.


The frustum visualization is primarily intended for debugging purposes when running Syclops with the -d scene flag. This flag opens the scene in Blender and allows you to visualize the frustum of the sensor, which can be useful for sensor placement prototyping.

Intrinsic Camera Parameters Output

The Camera Plugin outputs the intrinsic camera parameters, which include the camera matrix. The camera matrix is written to a YAML file named <frame_number>.yaml in the <camera_name>/intrinsics folder for each frame.

Example Intrinsics Output

  - [fx, 0, cx]
  - [0, fy, cy] 
  - [0, 0, 1]

Where: - fx, fy: Focal lengths in pixels - cx, cy: Principal point coordinates in pixels

Extrinsic Camera Parameters Output

The Camera Plugin also outputs the extrinsic camera parameters, which represent the global pose of the camera in the scene. The camera pose is written to a YAML file named <frame_number>.yaml in the <camera_name>/extrinsics folder for each frame.

Example Extrinsics Output

  - [r11, r12, r13, tx]
  - [r21, r22, r23, ty]
  - [r31, r32, r33, tz]
  - [0, 0, 0, 1]

Where: - r11 to r33: Rotation matrix elements - tx, ty, tz: Translation vector elements

Metadata Output

Along with the intrinsic and extrinsic parameter files, a metadata.yaml file is generated in the respective output folders. This file contains metadata about the parameter outputs, including the output type, format, description, expected steps, sensor name, and output ID.

Example Configuration

  - name: Main_Camera
    frame_id: Camera_Node_01
    resolution: [1920, 1080]
    focal_length: 35
    sensor_width: 36
    exposure: 0.5
    gamma: 1.2
      aperture: 2.8
      autofocus: true
      enabled: true
        enabled: true
        duration: 0.001
      enabled: true
      type: pyramid
      depth: 10
      color: [1, 0, 0]
      transparency: 0.5
        enabled: true
        thickness: 0.1
            - samples: 256
              id: main_cam_rgb

In the example above, a camera named "Main_Camera" is defined with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, a focal length of 35mm, and other specific properties. The camera will also utilize motion blur with a rolling shutter effect. Additionally, the frustum visualization is enabled, displaying a wireframe pyramid with a depth of 10 meters, colored red, and semi-transparent. The intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters will be output according to the specified configuration.